

As Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Interested in Joining a Mastermind?

Would you like some more informations on Masterminds?

Lets talk…

no cost…

no obligation..

just information.

Masterminds are a vehicle to intentionally connect successful people in small groups for the express purpose of each member achieving greater success than they would without this group.

Each member of a Mastermind brings their own unique experience and expertise to the group. This diversity in the mastermind is a catalyst for developing innovative solutions to the challenges one faces in their business both day to day and when it comes to achieving new levels of success.

Collaboration in the Mastermind meeting gives each member easy access to the collective intelligence of the group, instantly increasing the ability to problem solve.

Mastermind groups abide by strict standards of confidentiality.

Masterminds meet at regular intervals, monthly or quarterly. Members commit to participate in the meetings for a minimum predetermined length of time.

Masterminds may meet in person or via web based video conference, though in person is best when developing the trust relationships within the group.

Generally, Masterminds that meet monthly meet for a couple of hours for each meeting while Masterminds that meet quarterly meet for full day.

Masterminds often include personal coaching sessions with the Mastermind Facilitator as part of the Mastermind program.

Benefits of Masterminds:

  • Accountability and encouragement for achieving your personal goals.
  • Develop lasting advisory relationships with highly successful people outside your core business
  • Expanded networks as you connect with the members of your mastermind.
  • Notable change in outcomes for yourself and for your business.