Communication Coaching

Each of us has lenses through which we view the world and those lenses direct our communication and behavioral style preferences. Each of us has experienced a conversation that left you wondering how the other person could so misunderstand what you said.

Misunderstandings and miscommunication are most often the result of simply communicating through one lens to someone who sees the world through another lens. Some people want just the bullet points and others need all the details – in both personal and business situations – because that is how they are wired. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different.

When we understand our personal communication and behavioral style, we can recognize the preferred style of those we are communicating with.  We can choose to communicate in a manner best suited to the lenses of the hearer. The result is less relational stress and improved outcomes when we communicate.

Communication is Essential


Unmet expectations are often the results of misunderstandings.


Investment in understanding yourself and others will pay lifelong dividends…


     Conversation NOT Confrontation

Communication is easy when everything is going well. But what happens when stress is added to the situation? What causes the confrontation? What can we do to keep hard conversations from becoming confrontations in which feeling are hurt and nothing is resolved?

This consultation is designed to help you understand and appreciate your God-given communication and behavioral style and that of your spouse and/or children. Learn how to employ this knowledge to better communicate regardless of the situation.

This consultation is approximately one hour and may be conducted in person or by Skype, FaceTime or video conference.

Both participant will individually complete an online communication and behavioral style assessment prior to the live joint consultation. Each participant will receive a copy of their Personal Assessment Style Results in PDF form by email.

This communication style consultation is designed for couples.

This consultation is useful for pre-marital counseling, for couples that desire better communication, and for families experiencing conflict.

Looking for a unique and useful gift for an engagement or wedding? This consultation is a gift that will positively impact the marriage.

Understanding Me

Many businesses today use personality profiles as part of their hiring practice. What does your profile look like? What types of jobs are you wired to enjoy? What types of jobs will simply drain your energy? Knowing how God designed you – how he wired YOU will help you get into the job that is a right fit for you. You can enjoy your job!

For those already in a job but not enjoying it? This consultation will help you reduce conflict within that job, give you practical steps to lower your stress and a path toward a job you enjoy.

This consultation is approximately 1 hour and may be conducted in person or by FaceTime, Skye or conference call. A short communication and behavior style assessment will be completed online prior to the consultation.

This consultation makes a great gift for a young person looking for their first job or headed off to college. Armed with the knowledge gained from the assessment career paths become much clearer. Less time is wasted going after or attempting jobs that are destined to end in frustration.

This communication and leadership style consultation is for one person.

Job search?

Conflicts at work or elsewhere?

Purchase the "Conversation not Confrontation" Consultation


Includes 2 communication style profiles and a 1 hour consultation

Day, night and weekend hours are available for your convenience

Name & Email of person #1:
Name & Email for person #2:

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Purchase the "Understanding Me" Consultation


Includes 1 communication style profile and a 1 hour consultation

Day, night and weekend hours are available for your convenience

Full name to print on profile:
Email address for profile: