Has COVID 19 caused you, or anyone you know, to reconsider where they are in life or where they are headed? For many of us, this shutdown gave a much needed respite from the normal, overly busy, life we were living. We actually had time to reflect on how we ’normally’ spend our time and consider if that is what we want our life to be.

For many people, the job they had, the career path they were on, or where they thought life was headed, has changed because of this shutdown. Some have lost their jobs, others see the potential job growth limited by the economic changes this COVID shutdown has caused.

Businesses are re-evaluating how their business operates after this shutdown and the job market itself is also changing. This down time gave an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate how a business could be run outside of the accepted norm as they faced forced limitations to business hours and contact with their customers and clients.

As these businesses are allowed to return slowly, the ’new normal’ we are likely to see that the 24-7 business models become more the exception than the rule. Work from home may become the rule rather than the exception for many businesses as the shutdown pushed the boundaries for which jobs could be done by working from home. The result has been a break through for much of the resistance that traditionally kept people going to an office to do work they could just as easily and efficiently do from home. Many businesses will be evaluating the huge potential cost savings of shifting those jobs that were temporarily moved to work from home to become permanent work from home jobs. Why pay for office space to do the job when the job can just as easily be done remotely without incurring the cost of an office? For some jobs, like data entry jobs, this could be a huge win for the employee as they determine what hours of the day they do the work while working from home or wherever they choose to be.

All of this equates to a once in a lifetime opportunity to reset and redirect where you are headed in all areas of your life.

God created each of us with gifts and talents. He designed us to prosper using those gifts and talents in a manner that is meaningful while at the same time has us doing work that we love. Many of us settle for working a job to pay the bills, hoping someday we arriving at a place where we have a ‘good life’. Whatever that ‘good life’ may mean to us.

I am on a mission to help as many people as I can, to live the dream God designed inside of them. To me, living the dream inside of you means prospering using the gifts and talents God has placed inside you to do what God has created you to do – the dream God created you with and for! Prospering means prosperity in all areas of your life: spiritual, mental, physical, and relational as well as financial prosperity. I am living the dream God created me for. I want to see you do the same!

Whether we are ready or not, there is a season change occurring. COVID 19 has had an impact

on how the future will unfold. There are two choices: You can go with the flow to wherever this season happens to take you or you can voluntarily chart your path, map the route, and move intentionally toward all you can dream is possible.

The Next Season of Your Life will happen. I can happen involuntarily to you or become what you dream because you voluntarily choose to pursue it. The choice is yours.

What I am offering is a free, no obligation, 30 minute consultation for anyone interested in having a personal/business coach help them explore the possibilities of their dream for their future with a guarantee that this 30 minute investment in yourself will not be wasted. This is no one size fits all program I’m asking you to sign up for.

For those you don’t think there is a dream left inside of you: That is a lie from the one that comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is there. It can happen. Let me help you uncover your dream and get you on the road to being all God created you to be.

I sincerely hope you will take me up on my offer. Investing 30 minutes with me discussing your future will yield actionable results for you.


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