Is living your dream impossible?

Do you ever think your dream could never be your reality? At times does it seem to be just a cruel taunt of your imagination that someone else can do, but not you? Your dream is IMPOSSIBLE? The answer, of course, depends on who you ask and how you define ‘your dream’.

If you define your dream as something like waking up tomorrow with more money than you can spend in a lifetime, never doing anything but lay on a beach, and be pampered 24-7, that’s not likely to happen. Unless you win a massive lottery. And then what? Would that dream really make you happy and satisfied with life? Probably not for long. While it sounds great to never have to do anything that could even remotely be construed as ‘work’, the truth is we are are wired for more than just existing no matter how opulent that existence is. We are wired for something bigger than we have yet to do, achieve, or accomplish.

By definition a dream is an escape from reality – it’s not real. Your dream will never be real as long as you keep it carefully guarded and hidden in your thoughts. As long as you resist the urge to do something that moves you an inch closer to living your dream, agree it is impossible, and believe that it cannot happen.

But… You were created gifts and talents. There is a dream inside of you.

As you are reading this post, you are at least entertaining the idea that some people live their dreams. That is the first step toward living your dream.


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